Internet's Best Truck Nicknames for People Who Love Puns
We found the internet's best nicknames and put them on trucks.
Forget sensible names like "Silverado" or "F-150". Nope, the punsters of the web would be rolling out trucks called the "Dumptruck" or the "Fried Egg I'm In Love".
We're talking groan-worthy, eye-rolling truck nicknames to the max. Get ready for a wild ride of silly monikers that'll have you chuckling...or cringing.
We rounded up the internet's cleverest (and cringiest) truck names for all you punsters out there.
Truck Norris

Darth Badder

Load Runner

Sir Hauls-a-Lot

Trucktimus Prime



Truckleberry Finn

Mud Magnet

Lil' Red Truckn' Hood


Trucky Charm

Truckingham Palace

Load Lord

Muck Master

Bigfoot's Cousin

Torque of the Town

Payload Pal

Sir Leanalot


Grand Trunkton

Mighty Tred

4-Wheeler Dealer

Muddy Buddy

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